Prayer and financial needs for the Muunga Family serving in Zambia

 Hi family and friends,

Some of you may know that our daughter, Hadassah, has Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. We recently traveled 9 hours to Lusaka (capital city) for an evaluation, because Hadassah’s seizures have been increasing. 

She was given another medication, totaling 3 anti-seizure medications twice a day. At this appointment we were given a lot of information; some of which I am still processing. 

We learned that non-cancer tumors can grow at any time and she will need to be monitored by MRI scans of the brain and abdomen, EEG, EKG every two years, eye specialist and dermatologist every 6 months. (Subject to change if any medical alert comes up. )

Her Doctor has run the tests needed to see if Hadassah is a candidate for the ketogenic diet. At her next visit in November, we will go over the results. If all goes well the whole family will start the ketogenic diet. In doing this diet Hadassah will be traveling every couple of months to Lusaka for evaluations. 

At the end of this month we will be moving to the village. Currently we have no electricity out there. With Hadassah’s new up coming dietary restrictions for her seizure’s, we are looking into a solar inverter to power a refrigerator. 

If you feel led to help with our added expenses these are our needs:

  • Solar Inverter
  • Medication  
  • Travel Expenses to Lusaka
  • Doctor appointments
  • Bloodwork 
  • MRI’s, EEG, EKG
  • Diet (restrictive/costly)

Please click here (Holt, Faith & Muunga, Fred -178) to give.


  • Hadassah complete healing of seizures
  • My heart
  • God’s provision and grace
  • Adjusting to our new home and community 
  • Against any witchcraft, alcohol, drugs or theft
  • We would be a light in the darkness 

Thank you, and may God bless you and your families.

Love ~ 

Fred, Faith, Hadassah, Asher and Anne

Update from Zambia, Africa.

Dear Partners,

We would love to thank all of you, for your continued faithful support. These past few months have been full of joy, anticipation, provision, unforeseen health issues and clinging to the Father. Through this we are excited to share how the Lord has allowed us to be His true hands and feet.

Drilling: The end of last year we shared God’s plans on developing the Community Garden Center and for that to be accomplished we needed to drill a borehole/ well. With your willingness to help and God’s leading, the well is up and running. We were blown away to see how God worked every detail out to get this project off the ground. With you, our partners, the funds came pouring in and the drilling truck was ready to get to work in the village. On March 17th we were able to start drilling. Unfortunately, the first borehole was dry at 60 meters. The evening of March 18th God provided water on our second attempt at drilling 90 meters down. March 19th the well was flushed out (cleaned) and covered for 4 days. On March 23rd the pump was installed but we didn’t have enough piping to hit water. On March 25th we went back to add more pipes but found out all had to be removed and reattached. That evening we received clean drinking water from the hand pump. To know more about the community garden project please click here

Drought and Effects: Zambia, Africa, has experienced serious drought the past two years. With this continuing it has caused much hardship on the village farmers who rely on rain for crops. Also due to the drought, businesses have been affected greatly. No one is exempt from long hours of no electricity and water. At the moment, we have electricity about 5-6 hours daily and it’s expected to get worse. We usually would do a monthly shopping but because of this food just spoils. The water reservoir is experiencing very low to no water and with no power to pump water, it can’t be pumped back in. This is causing hours at a time (to some places 24 hours) with no water. Our electricity is also generated through the water. So we are at a ‘no win’ situation. No water no power. If you would love to help one or more families with relief food or any needs you can do so through our program called “COMMUNITY BANK.”

Future Action: We are planning to move out to our new ‘mission field’~ the Community Garden Center ~ located in the village. In past few months we started building a simple 2-bedroom house out of the material and resources found around the property. We used the stones, building sand, gravel and water from the borehole. As this is our new focus point, we started a nursery of fruit trees at our home in town. We experienced much success with mango, avocado and date trees. We are currently looking for more lemon and orange trees. Within a short time all the trees will be moving into their forever home on the farm.

Trusting God: As God continues to develop the Community Garden Center, we can’t wait to see the mountains He will move as we build relationships by teaching the community how to grow their own food. Also we hope to mentor Milton, our farm employee. This drought is a blessing and the perfect opportunity to share God’s love in the darkness. Sometimes we want to resist the uncomfortable but that’s exactly where God wants to use us. Please keep in your prayers with how you can partner. As this project moves forward, we are in need of some farming tools, irrigation system, some local employees and future leaders of discipleship groups. We are trusting God for the needed resources as His ministry here continues to grow.

Updates on Ministry and Prayer Request:

George (middle), one of our youths, just graduated from National Service and has been deployed to the Zambia National Service Headquarters. This is the perfect opportunity for him. He gets to use tools of discipleship training and make disciples.

Frank is the leader in Natebe Village and we have the privilege of meeting at his home for Bible Study. Please keep him in your prayers because he has been sick for some time.

My family hasn’t been doing well in terms of health. Therefore, we treasure your prayers, especially for my wife and our daughter, Hadassah, and myself. We are trusting God for complete healing. Please continue to pray for us so we can have the compassion that Jesus had toward the lost and unreached people groups.

We are so very blessed to have a team of friends and faithful supporters like you. With love His willing hands and feet,

The Muunga Family

Fred, faith, Hadassah, Asher & Anne

Zambia, Africa 2023 Newsletter.

Zambia, Africa

Dear Partners,

It is always a joy to share how the Lord is working through us here in Zambia. Every victory we experience is worthy of praise to Christ Jesus.

This past year has had its ups and down. We have experienced many questions and waited for answers. We were planning to drill a borehole on the property given to us in the Village this past year. But God had other good plans for us.

Baby Anne’s arrival:

From the beginning of my wife’s pregnancy, she was to be hospitalized until delivery. We moved from Livingstone hospital to Lusaka hospital seeking medical advice, but unfortunately we couldn’t find the answers we so wanted to hear. Yes, it true, we walked in fear. We became discouraged, full of worry, scared, stressed out and hopeless. But our Father had other plans. He worked everything out for our good and His Glory. He gave my wife a name, (Gracen). This insured her that the baby would be OK. He gave us an amazing doctor who worked with us, prayed over us, soon became family to us and delivered Anne.


Youth in Linda: 5 years ago Jack (African Shade) and I started a youth program at our friend’s farm in Linda. Youths came from all walks of life. There was a handful of faithful youths willing to learn and grow. As we taught them new life skills, their walk with Christ increased.

It has been a great honor to walk along side and see God transform them from the inside out over the years. These grade twelve graduates have enrolled in the University, military training, or are currently working. God has grown and gifted each one of them in amazing ways. We can’t wait to see how God uses them.

Bethesda Girls: Seven of the girls have graduated 12th grade and will return for skills training in January for 9 months. The other eight girls remaining enjoyed a game night before traveling home for the holiday. We pray over all our girls’ safe travels and return in January.

Saturday Kids Fellowship: This is located at our home and is going well. Kids are growing in numbers and since schools have closed our yard has quickly become the hangout spot all week long. Hadassah and Asher are enjoying this.

Grandma’s in Linda: It is a great joy to see how God is working through and in each one’s life. We have seen the fruit grow over the past year. From Grandma’s to great grandchildren. The group has flourished in God’s Word and has grown in number.

Bibles: We were gifted a donation and were able to purchase about 100 Bibles in the local languages Tonga, Lozi, and English. As we give out God’s Word we are able to witness transformation.

Mr. Frank’s House: Fred discipleship group one day, noticed a need and got to work to remedy it. Frank’s house was being eaten away from termites and rain season was not far away. Everyone came together and built a new shelter in his time of need.

This coming year 2024:

We would love to develop the Community Garden Center (farm) by drilling the borehole. At the farm, we have employed Lovemore, who has a family of 4. They are living on site and have been a huge blessing. Lovemore has gotten the fields’ ready, started planting and is taking care of the chicken run project.   

We currently go to deliver water once or twice a week depending on weather. This is quite expensive but we believe this is where God wants us to focus our time and energy at the moment. So we are hoping with the borehole we will be able to build strong relationships within the community by being learners, as well as teaching others the skills of how to grow from seed, and nurturing and harvesting a crop. Through this we are able to empower families with job opportunities, which will open doors for discipleship training and leading people/ families to Christ. Once the harvest is ready it goes back into the Community Bank and helps families in need.

Prayer Requests :

  • Wisdom on training up and equipping new disciple/leaders.
  • Provision and new Partnerships with God’s ministry here in Zambia.
  • Borehole Project (Well) at the Community Garden Center.
  • People to come work alongside us here in Africa.

Thank you for enabling us to bring God’s love, hope and truth to the lost and unreached people groups. We are excited to continue working and serve Christ Jesus with you here in Zambia. Let’s hold on tight to see where God leads us in the next year, as we trust Him for His Provision.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

News from the field!

It’s God’s graciousness that sustains life even through hard times. The same divine grace that allowed a child to be born into the world to save humanity from their sins. The child was born so we might know God! This is why we love this time of year and celebrate Christmas with such JOY. Jesus is called Emmanuel, which means “God with us.” God is indeed with us in all circumstances.

After being apart from my family for over a year. God has made it possible for us to be reunited. He worked out every detail, while we were worried about delayed paperwork, rescheduled flights and how my wife would travel back with two infants. In His provision, He moved mountains and provided every need for my family and me while they were in the States. He also made it possible for my family to travel back to Zambia Africa with our family friend (Kathy).

We cannot end this year without taking the time to thank everyone who made this possible! We have felt every prayer, cherished every encouraging word, and we are humbled by your care, love and continued support.

Jesus has entrusted us with the tremendous responsibility of sharing God’s word with others.

Acts 1:8 NLT “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Millions of lost and unreached souls desperately need the life giving message of the Gospel.

It has been a wonderful year here in Zambia despite the absence of my family. Being obedient to God’s commands, I have seen great miracles and have been given opportunities to make Him known. In September during youth camp (our friends village), over 10 youths were baptized in the name of Jesus. Some of our Bible Study Groups continue to meet in town and villages.

It has started raining here in Zambia which means groups like these in remote areas are on hold. This is due to no shelters to meet under and bad roads to travel on.  

On the same day my family arrived in Zambia. We took Kathy (our new family friend) to some of the communities, including one of the villages we work with. It was such a blessing to have her here in Zambia with us even though it was short. She is praying about coming back to Livingstone, Zambia this summer. Please pray with us on God’s will.

Pre school in the village

This month we are busy distributing bags of mealie meal, cooking oil, salt, soya chunks, chicken and warm clothing (Christmas Blessings).  Also when schools open in January 2023, we will be giving out school books to over 100 children. All of this is possible through our program called, “The Community Bank.” The Lord, has called us and continues to equip us as long as we are willing.

You all make it possible for us to fulfill the calling He has set before us. And in doing so, you are a huge part of every moment, victory, life touched here in Zambia, Africa. We are so blessed by your faithful commitment to God’s work here.

God richly and abundantly bless you all.

 Merry Christmas to you & yours!!

Fred, Faith, Hadassah & Asher!

Update from the field (The dust roads).

Dear partners,

Always it is exciting to start by saying, thank you all! We are continually amazed by the prayers, love, support, and encouragement that each one of you bring to us all the time.

My beautiful family

We are so honored that the Lord has allowed our paths to connect and joined us in this journey to serve Him in every nation. You are all part of us having the opportunity to serve Him as missionaries and you can’t imagine how humbling that is and how grateful we are. We love you all dearly.

We are so excited & grateful for our boy Asher Levi Muunga who was born on April 11, 2022.

I was hoping to travel to the USA to join my family early May this year (human timing) but God had His timing. Unfortunately I was denied a visa to travel. I didn’t feel good for not being able to join my family after being away from each other for so long. God reminded of Isaiah 60:22 “When the right time comes, I will make it happen quickly.” At the right time God can do ANYTHING instantly.

Few months ago I experienced some serious setback. Thieves broke our vehicle at night and stole a new battery, all ignition coils and destroyed other things. I was so frustrated.

Standing between the Chief & his wife.

Even though things may not go well at times, I have some good news. Our ministry here in Zambia, Africa is expanding with so many opportunities in new village communities. Few months ago I was privileged to meet up with one of the chiefs and he invited me to go visit his palace. It was a great opportunity to visit the chief at his palace. This also reminded me when the Holy Spirit told Philip to go over to the carriage and stay close to it. And this was an opportunity for him to share the good news of Jesus.

After sharing Jesus’ stories with some people I was able to connect with them and was also invited to another far villages for discipleship training (something to pray for).

Am so grateful and excited to announce that we have successfully registered a Mission organization called Beyond Every Nation Mission here in Zambia, Africa which will allow us to impact so many lives and make Jesus known to many communities. And the organization will enables us to invite missionaries (volunteers) to come to Africa and work with us for short or long term. For more details visit our site at

Early this year, we were given 13 hectares of a very beautiful piece of land in one of the villages we started working from. This is where we and our partners would plan to establish a Mission Base in the near future. The land is well located near the gorge with a nice view of the Zambezi River (smoke from the falls). A token will be given for appreciations. God is so very good.

We will be able to share more good news and our plans in the next newsletter.

Our prayer requests,

  • Pray for my family as they prepare to come back to Africa mid-August.
  • Provision (Financially).
  • That we may understand God’s timing (Wisdom & Obedience).
  • Pray for our boy’s paperwork (passport) to be done on time.
Most of these kids goes to school without uniforms and shoes.

If you or someone you know would love to be part of what we are doing here in Zambia, Africa you can partner with us by giving monthly, annually, or a one-time donation either online: Fieldworker: Holt, Faith & Muunga, Fred -178 OR by mailing in a check to: All Nations Family P.O. Box 55 Grandview, MO 64030.

If you have any questions or would like to meet in person please contact Faith Holt at (609) 813-0146 (US Cell) or by email at: [email protected]

Thank you for your continuous prayers and support. May the Lord richly and abundantly bless you all.

Fred, Faith, Hadassah & Asher.

Updates Archive


Zambia Update December, 2021.

First of all, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being so faithful in prayers and endless support. Because of your commitment to God’s work here in Livingstone, Zambia, we have seen many wonderful things happening among us. As we share God’s love and goodness we are seeing families begin to be built-up and hope grow within the communities.

As some of you may know, my wife and daughter, Hadassah, have been in the United States since the end of September 2021 for Hadassah’s medical treatment. We were hoping all the tests would be done before the end of December. Unfortunately, everything has changed. The doctors in the States advised that all the testing (MRI and EEG) which was done in Africa, be redone due to the reports not being clear. Hadassah has been diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis. On top of the tests she has already done, the doctors have recommended additional testing. The appointments are running into the end of March. This means, my family most likely won’t be back to Zambia until mid- August, after our 2nd child is born in May of 2022. Once the new baby is born he/she will need to be tested for tuberous sclerosis and passport paperwork will need to be completed in order for them to travel. Yet in all this, God made a way for us and we believe He is going to make away again and again.

Even though there are still uncertainties due to the pandemic, we rejoice that the virus cannot stop the mighty movement of the Holy Spirit among the Nations. We are excited about continuing to break new ground in communities for the cause of Christ.
While my family is in the United States, God’s work continues here in Zambia. Though our vehicle is older we are still able to drive miles through dusty roads to share God’s love and do discipleship training. I have been given new opportunities to connect among various communities, leading Bible study groups and training new disciples/ leaders. These disciples are equipped to go and share the good news with their local villages and communities. It’s always exciting to see how hungry people are for God’s word.
Our last discipleship training for 2021 was on December 18th.

Many of our youth that we have discipled over the years have just graduated 12th grade. They are moving on to the next step in life which can be very challenging with all of the unknowns. Please keep them in prayer to allow the Lord’s leading in their lives and to use the tools given to them.

Over the Covid-19 pandemic my wife and I started a new project that has been very successful. We have the COMMUNITY BANK up and running. Through your support, we are able to help feed the hungry, through Family Relief Packs, as well as supply clothes, shoes, medication and school needs. With this outreach God has opened the doors to build relationships and share the gospel.

As we look ahead in 2022, we are planning to train more local leaders (disciples) that will, along with your prayers, have a significant impact on Kingdom growth. Please consider helping us with materials for our discipleship training programs. We would like to purchase Bibles, portable whiteboard, a projector, a battery power supply, and a rechargeable speaker.

If you or someone you know (individual, church or organization) would like to be a part of what we are doing here in Zambia, you can partner with us. By giving monthly, annually, or a one-time donation either online: fieldworker: Holt, Faith and Muunga Fred -178 OR by mailing in a check to: All Nations Family P.O. Box 55 Grandview, MO 64030 (Please do not write in memo on check. Use a separate piece of paper with fieldworker: Faith Holt -178). If you have any questions or would like to meet in person please contact Faith Holt at (609) 813-0146 (US Cell) or by email at: [email protected]

Thank you for your continued love, support, prayers and partnership in the gospel. We could not do any of this without you.
His Willing Hands and Feet,



Update from the field JUNE, 2021.

Though our feelings may be real and true, they are not the truth. God’s word is the truth. When we feel that God is far, we must remember His word and promises.
WE will pass through waters and rivers of hardship and uncertainty and walk through fires of life. But God promises, “I will be with you.” In the midst of the fire, like He was with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Isaiah 43).

This year started on a good note with so much plans but unfortunately things went in another direction. We have spent most of our time travelling to and from Lusaka over 480km seeking medical advice for Hadassah, who has been suffering from seizures this year. After several tests, the neurologists in Zambia have found her brain to be covered with white matter, which the doctors believed at first was due to lack of oxygen to her brain, probably at birth. However, now they are leaning towards a genetic disease, by the pattern of white matter on the brain. By this news we were very discouraged, but we are trusting God’s report of complete healing. Genetic testing is not available here in Zambia, so we are planning to travel to the USA and have it done. Despite these challenges, Hadassah is developing well and has had no seizures since her medication change. She is growing up so fast and can sit on her own.

We would like to thank you all for your powerful prayer support, and generous financial gifts to help out with our medical and travel expenses, as well as your monthly financial support which allows us to continue to serve the Lord here in Zambia.
In our own strength we have no control over what happens around us. Especially in these unwavering times. However, nothing that happens takes God by surprise. Our Father knows all that has, is, and will happen. He tells us, “We do not have to worry or fear.”
Despite all of the travelling and pandemic crisis, ministries continue to prosper in so many different ways. For the past few months we have been connecting with some villagers within a new community called Natebe. Our youth groups, which are spread out in different communities, have been multiplying. We are currently training leaders among the youth. They are being empowered to disciple and influence others within their community by sharing the love and word of Jesus Christ.
We are so grateful for every opportunity God gives us to love on people He puts in our path. He is also working through us to serve not only those with spiritual needs but also with physical needs.

Through our new program called, “Community Bank” we are able to feed (family relief pack), supply medication, clothe and send vulnerable children to school.


We have yet to continue with our sign language lessons but have been connected with a lot of the deaf in different communities. Here is one of our good friends, Jane, who is deaf, and her 2 hearing boys. She works at our home once a week and continues to teach us. We were invited to watch her perform in the deaf choir. It was inspiring and beautiful.

Huge Answered Prayer:
My wife’s permit has been approved (Spouse permit).

Prayer Request:
– God’s leading
– Complete healing for Hadassah
– God provision for our trip to the US
Fred, Faith & Hadassah.

Thank you for your continued prayers and unwavering support. With your partnership we are able to impact family’s lives by providing needs and sharing God’s love.
His willing hands and feet,




It is that time of the year again (favorite) when everything around us depicts Christmas. A time when families and friends come together to celebrate Christmas but unfortunately the pandemic has penetrated and affected the whole world.

The year has been somehow different in the way things are to be done. If we are to describe 2020 by one word, it will be “despair.” But as children of God, we must not despair. Hope is the anchor of our souls (Hebrews 6:18-19).

Even if we are in this changing world, we are confident that we have a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Our King does not change, he is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He is to be trusted and it is only in Him we can all find Joy and Peace.

It has been a year of doing things somewhat differently than planned, but God is so faithful and good. His plans for us are always good. It’s been a busy, uncertainty, stressful, overwhelming and at the same time it was the best year. This year we have been blessed with a beautiful daughter (Hadassah Grace Muunga) born on September 27 2020. Everything this year was not done as planned. We were supposed to travel to States to meet up with families, friends and partners (supporters) but the pandemic penetrated the world and everything was closed.

In this uncertainty world, my wife and I have made the most of our restricted moments ministering to those God puts in front of us when we are running through streets, communities or when we are in stores. He is gracious to put people in our path that have physical and Spiritual needs. We give, love, disciple and pray when those opportunities arise. It’s so amazing to see how those we are ministering/discipling are growing in the Lord. We do not have enough pictures for our groups/work. Our camera was stolen in Lusaka with all the pictures. We are so excited that now we are back where we live in Livingstone. It is nice that our group (church) is growing and our house was open to everyone even when we were away. When church buildings were closed we offered our house to everyone for fellowship and DBS groups. On December 29 to 31 with our partners we are having a youth leadership training (International Leadership Academy). We are so grateful to All Nations Family, Wellspring church, family, friends and supporters (partners) for your love, prayers and support.

Through your support we are able to help a lot of people with physical needs (food, clothes and school fees).

Some of our youth groups receiving some Christmas gifts!

Our plans are to start a community empowerment programs especially for women and the youths. We also want to go beyond the communities we are working with to the villages when we have a vehicle.

We are so amazed and grateful how miraculously our hospital, transportation and accommodation bills were met.

Prayer request,
• Wife’s permit to be approved.
• Partners to join in God’s work.
• Community empowerment program. We are not there to give fish to the community but teach them how to catch fish (empowerment).

Thank you for partnering with us through prayers and financial support. We are so grateful to have you and continue to pray for you all.

We wish you a Merry Christmas & New Year.




This world has become a place of doing life somewhat differently than we expected. It has become a world of closed church buildings, bars, entertainments, travelling and many more other worldly activities that you may think of. The towns, cities, and other places we are used to are no longer the same. Yes, the world has changed. The world has been introduced to a life of face mask, social distancing and so on.
Could this be the new normal of living? I am sure God is saying and teaching us (world) something.
The disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Tell us, when all this will happen? They wanted to know the signs for His return and the end of the world?
Nation will fight against nation, Kingdom against kingdom, famines, earthquakes, persecution, killing, hatred with each other and turning away from me.

When the nation stops fighting against nation, when the cities of our nation repent and turn to God, when people stop violence and killing each other, when people begins to love one another, when you and I get on our knees morning, noon, and night to pray for the Holy Spirit power to move us from the churches and into our communities. Then we can say revival has come. 


Over the past months our country also was in a lock down though not a full lock down. It became a day of closed church buildings, schools, tourism, entertainment, bars, boarders, gatherings etc. But Stores, restaurants, and coffee shops remained open (takeaway). The world is in panic, fear and worry. There is so much happenings around the world.

Though the world was locked down, it does not mean even prayers, worshiping, connecting through phones and discipleship were closed also. Maybe God was telling us that, “this is the time to strengthen and encourage someone with God’s word through phone call, WhatsApp, signal, and we chart, Skype or zoom.” My wife and I continued to check up on the groups, individuals and children we are working with through phone calls. It would have been better to use zoom, WhatsApp or Skype but regular phone calls is what people can afford here and we are all happy to be able to encourage and check up on each other. During lock down my wife could still go for work meetings once in a week.

Once or twice in a month we have a meeting (Online) with Randy Catlett from All-nation family who is our Pastoral care.

The good news is that Faith’s youth group has resumed. Though the sad part is that, only 9 youth are allowed to meet at the property.

Meeting on the street due to Covid-19.

We started a DBS at our home last week with Japhet and we are yet to invite our neighbors to the group.

Though we live in this uncertainty world we are still going to trust and worship God always and forever.
Our baby will be coming in few months and we do not know yet how the future look like in terms of flights and whether our baby will be born here in Africa or USA. Only God knows everything and we trust Him. Because of this uncertainty, we have decided to have a second option hospital here. That means, we will be going to Lusaka in few months and we are trusting God for the following needs while we are in Lusaka for maybe one and half month.
~ Transportation ~ Accommodation ~ Hospital bills.

We also plan to start a Community Bank Program (A bank were we can store mealie meal, cooking oil, sugar, salt, washing power, medication, clothes, shoes, books, bibles, sports equipment, funds for other projects like providing clean water to the village communities and many more things).

We are so grateful for your continued prayers and support!